
Here are a few of our sample works*:

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Real Estate dashboard

The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Real Estate dashboard is built using the popular and powerful JavaScript visualization library, D3.js, and real up-to-date real estate data from Toronto Regional Real Estate Board website, TRREB.

  • Category: Data Visualization
  • Sub-category: d3.js
Supervised Machine Learning - Classification

The web app "Titanic Survival" ML classification model in this example is built and deployed by Python and the popular Machine Learning library scikit-learn, and is running on Django web develpment framework.

  • Category: Machine Learning
  • Sub-category: Classification
Supervised Machine Learning - Regression

Here an example of deploying a Machine Learning model as a web app will appear soon. The web app will deploy an ML regression model that is built by Python and the popular Machine Learning library scikit-learn, and will run on Django web develpment framework.

  • Category: Machine Learning
  • Sub-category: Regression
Unsupervised Machine Learning - Clustering

Here an example of deploying a Machine Learning model as a web app will appear soon. The web app will deploy an ML clustering model that is built by Python and the popular Machine Learning library scikit-learn, and will run on Django web develpment framework.

  • Category: Machine Learning
  • Sub-category: Clustering

* disclaimer: The purpose of the sample works provided on this page are only to demonstrate our coding and design capabilities; and this website doesn't take any responibilities for any further usage of the contents.